My work delves into the beauty and complexity of the world, utilizing intuitive form, texture, and color to capture the organic and vibrant energy that surrounds us. Through this exploration, I aim to reveal the invisible connections that bind all things.
I embrace spontaneity, imperfection, and experimentation as integral elements of the creative process, allowing them to guide my work in unpredictable and dynamic directions. The interplay between shape and color embodies fleeting moments of energy, emotion, and connection, reflecting the constant flow of life itself.
I hope that viewers find resonance in my work—an understanding that transcends language and celebrates both the uniqueness of the individual and the shared experience that unites us all.
“annual member’s show”, jamestown arts center, jamestown, rhode island
“get it together”, out of the box studio & gallery, jamestown, rhode island
“hera past & present”, hera gallery, wakefield, Rhode Island
“curious intervals”, hera gallery, wakefield, rhode island
“centering: clay and community”, jamestown arts center, jamestown, rhode island
“small works”, hera gallery, wakefield, rhode island
“annual member’s show”, jamestown arts center, jamestown, rhode island
“conanicut island art association summer show”, jamestown, rhode island
“constructed prisms”, warwick center for the arts, warwick, rhode island
“earthworks” annual juried clay exhibition, south county art association, kingston, rhode island
“come in, we’re open”, public not private gallery, providence, rhode island
“annual member’s show”, jamestown arts center, jamestown, rhode island
artist member & vice president, hera gallery, wakefield, rhode island
artist member, south county art assocation, kingston, rhode island
ceramic artist residency program, jamestown arts center, jamestown, rhode island
member, newport county arts + cultural alliance, newport, rhode island
member, jamestown arts center, jamestown, rhode island
alumni, the school of the art institute of chicago, chicago, illinois // BFA, 2003
visiting student artist, the burren college of art, ballyvaughan, county clare, ireland // 2002